Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Before you buy a treatmill

If you are trying to buy a treadmill, you may have found that you can get lost in the details and find it difficult to decide which type is best for you and your budget. Whether from a retail shop or you want to buy a treadmill online, you should know a little about the basic parts and function of treadmills and how each feature can affect the price and efficacy of your treadmill.

You need to understand at least the basic components in order to compare the different types and read the technical details about each treadmill. Here are the basic points to consider:

1-Motor power:

The motor is responsible for moving the belt horsepower (HP) and ranges from 1 to 3 HP in most types. If you want a good treadmill try not to go for less than 2 horsepower. Also, try to get it from a trusted brand to ensure good manufacturing quality because not all 2 horsepower motors are the same. Another thing is the size of the motor, while some consider a smaller motor better, it can suffer from heating problems more than a larger one costing you more repairs.
Sometimes rated as continuous or peak duty, there is almost no difference for you to worry.
2-The frame:
Made from steel or aluminum, you can choose. A frame that is made from aluminum is more durable, rust resistant and can carry more weights.

3-The belt:
One of the essential features you should carefully look for is the size of the belt. Smaller and lighter treadmills can have smaller belts which may not suit everybody. Choose a belt that suits your height and purpose (if you are gonna use the treadmill for longer periods you are going to need a large belt). The surface are of the belt needs to be AT LEAST 18" X 45".

4-The roller:
The fraction and heat can cause wearing of the belt. That's why you need a good and big roller to reduce the wear and tear. Invest in a good quality treadmill to ensure your safety and to avoid alot of repairing.
There are many things in a treadmill that can provide you with a safe exercise and keeps you confident that nothing will go wrong. There should be a rubber pad on the handle for an easy grip and it is better to have the main controls on the handle (in addition to the console) so you can reach them easily and terminate whenever you need to.

After considering all these features, a good and easy to use console , with some cool features such as heart rate monitoring and mp3 player would be nice to make your treadmill perfect.
I hope this post gave you some information on how to buy a treadmill and what are the basic features to look for before buying one.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Weight loss with fat binders

If you are searching for a natural and a safe way to lose excess lbs and achieve a healthier, happier body, then the drugs called "fat binders" could be the answer you are looking for.

Fat binders producers claim them to be natural and derived from plants with risk-free weight loss abilities.

What are fat binders?

In non scientific terms, it's a substance that binds to fat molecules.

Once you eat the food and it reaches your stomach, then to your intestine (where the fat binder is waiting for it) the fat binder will bind to the fat molecules which become too big for your intestine to absorb them, and so they don't reach your body.

Not only this, but there is more that fat binders can do.

Together with their ability to decrease your daily fat intake, they also have an appetite suppressant effect.

How can fat binders produce appetite suppression?

When you traditionally take an appetite suppressant, they help you to cut your appetite by making your brain believe your body is full, when it is not. They essentially directly affect your central nervous system, altering your hunger signals and the timing in which they are released.

Fat binders on the other hand work within your digestive tract to help bind your fat molecules and lose weight. Other than that, fat binders have no other affect within your body. They do not affect your brain. They delay food digestion leading to a sense of fullness and satiety.

Why choose a fat binder?

Compared to most weight loss supplements, fat binders can offer you a healthy weight loss, with none of the risk.

You see, one of the most recurrent problems you’ll find in even the most popular weight loss supplements is their side effects. Those chemicals can produce beneficial effects for many people, but alongside these weight loss benefits consumers may also suffer some unpleasant and sometimes risky side effects.

For example how many weight loss supplements have you seen in the media that have been recommended as a means to losing weight alongside other dietary changes and exercises?

The answer is not many. But add a natural fat binder to the equation, and you’ll experience a different media outcome altogether.

Take for example natural fat binder Proactol. Medically backed and clinically proven to work, Proactol for 2 years running has been voted by both slimmers and dieticians alike as one of the top 5 ways to naturally lose weight in 2008.

Combined within their top 5 tips of: eating 6 times a day; having a healthy breakfast; surrounding yourself with support and setting yourself a realistic exercise plan, the Telegraph has placed natural fat binder, Proactol, as their second top tip.

Advantages of Proactol over other available drugs:

• It lowers your blood cholesterol level.
• Increased joint flexibility and energy levels
• A reduction in food cravings
• A 450 daily calorie reduction
• No known side effects

And with medical backing from the Medical Device Directive 93/42 EEC, consumers can take Proactol confident in the knowledge that with its natural fat binder benefits on hand they can begin to lose a steady 1-2lbs a week with minimal exercise.

For more information about Proactol :

Visit the official Proactol wesite.