“What's the best appetite suppressant? There is just so many appetite suppressant drugs available nowadays, some of them are popular, natural , some are risky and others are not, etc.
Appetite suppressants are taken for long periods. With this in mind you have to choose an appettie suppressant very carefully. You know that for sustained effect especially if you desire drastic weight loss the suppressants must be used for sustained periods. What are the characteristics of a good appetite suppressant?
If you want to suppress your appetite in a healthy and safe way, stick to high-fiber foods and high water consumption. These two help to keep your stomach filled most of the time and so suppresses your appetite and also delay absorbtion. The feeling of hunger actually emanates form the hunger pangs in an empty stomach and get sent to the brain where it is interpreted as hunger. So to suppress this, it is as simple as keeping the stomach filled most of the time.
The thing is, you need to do this wothout eating alot of caories. Two of the best high fiber anti suppressants available in the market include Proactol and Acai berries & its products.
These are the best appetite suppressants! We all should eat alot of fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and we also function best when we consume a large amount of water to aid digestion and circulation.
Acai berries are fruits from Brazil which are very rich in fiber. It also contains high amounts of anto oxidants. When you eat them, the fibers in the Acai Berries increase in size and swell, filling your stomach and producing a sense of satisfaction.
Another herbal appetite suppressant is Lipobind. It is a certified medical device product. It works with the same principle of acai berries.
Also, Hoodia products are becoming very popular these days. Hoodia produces excellent results. They come usually in combination with L-carnitine. For further information on Hoodia please visit UniqueHoodia's official website.
You may also want to try the new 5-HTP. It increases serotonin secretion in the brain; serotonin is responsible for mood elevation and appetite suppression.
Be careful not to take an overdose of any of these drugs as this may cause marked suppression of appetite and lead to malnutrition.
And of course, strict diets (needs motivation and will power) together with excercising remains the best solution for weight loss without taking fat binders or appetite suppressants. Make sure to consult your doctor before taking any medication.
Friday, May 1, 2009
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